SeeClickFix Blog #3

  • Has the status of your issue changed since the last time you checked it?  Explain your answer.

No it has not changed since the last time I checked it is still in the acknowledged category and they have not given me further updates on how they are going to fix it.

  • On Edublog #1 you were asked to predict whether or not SeeClickFix would fix the problem you reported.  Did you find that your prediction came true?  Explain your answer.

Yes I am starting to believe that they will just not fix my issue bc it has been more than a week since they have reported back to me on my issue  and i’m starting to feel like they will just never fix it.

  • Are you satisfied with the result of the issue you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

No because they aren’t fixing it fast enough like they are just taking their time on this issue I reported like I thought they would fix it faster and not take their time.

  • Do you think that SeeClickFix is a useful tool for helping people fix problems in their communities?  Explain your answer.

No because every time they get an issue they should immediately look into that issue and if they are going to actually fix it then they should fix it immediately.

  • If you could change or improve SeeClickFix, what would you do?  Explain your answer.

they should have better communication with the people who have reported an issue like give day to day updates         and actually tell them when they will fix it.

  • Which class project do you think was best able to help the people who resisted an oppression gain agency:  SeeClickFix or the May Day March?  Explain your answer.

May day march because you actually did a march and resisted an oppression that you believed was wrong we may have not made a change but at least we tried by getting up and doing something about it.

  • Do the results of the SeeClickFix and May Day projects imply that one form of resistance is better than another?  Explain your answer.  

Yes maybe because it may show how like not really getting up and marching just doing your resisting sitting down may not work as well as getting up and protesting for what you believe in.

SeeClickFix Blog #2

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix?

I learned that my issue went from nobody seen it to people seen my issue and they will consider fixing my issue.

  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received?  Who sent you that message?

the responce I got was they seen my issue and thy will look into it back they said to come back and check in next time to see if they did fix it. And the people who responded was the Oakland call center.

  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters.  What do each posters mean?  

we are tracking our issues by three posters Acknowledged, open, and closed and what they mean is that acknowledged means they have seen your issue and they will consider fixing the issue and open means you have made an account and posting your issue mostly everyone started with that poster but closed means they will just never fix your issue.

  • Did you change the status of the issue you reported on a poster?  Explain why, or why not.

yes they did change my status because they actually viewed my issue and considering to fix it.

  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.

most all of us moved over to acknowledged and very few got a closed issue but i have no clue what types of issues moved and what didn’t.

  • Do you think 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project?  Explain your answer.

yes because they having a chance to make their cities better and making our enviroment safer to live in.


SeeClickFix Blog #1


  • In your own words, explain what the words RESISTANCE and AGENCY mean.

Resistance is when like somebody refuses or prevent something from happening, also Agency means when you get to determine the outcome of one’s life.


In your own words, explain what the term SOCIAL MOVEMENT means.

when people work together to make a change.

  • What does the company called SEECLICKFIX do for people living in Oakland?

It helps people who need fixing in oakland like the streets because people who work for oakland do not really do a good job at fixing up the streets so they just leave it alone and do nothing. so seeclickfix is used to bother the city of oakland to fix those problems.



  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency?  Explain why, or why not.   

Yes, because SeeClickFix helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency by helping them fixes their issues in the streets and helping kids gain agency.


  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

I was walking with my friend to her house up the hill from fremont and i saw a big crack in the pavement and I took a picture of it. I took the picture because that thing was huge.



  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

We went on the site of seeclickfix and clicked the sign up button then we did the usual login information we also put in our location and logged in.



  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

we went on the site and when we got to the site we took our picture of an issue here in oakland and posted onto the site.



  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

I honestly have  no idea but  I think they will because kids and adults walk through those sidewalks everyday and somebody could get hurt on that cracked sidewalk.



Edublog Assignment #5

Do you think Colonization, the Encomienda System, and the African Slave trade still influence people’s lives today?  Explain your answer.


Yes, because people may believe the those things are right to do but their not because it’s wrong but other people may not think so. But like who knows if they do then we might have to do something about it.

Edublog assignment #3


I live in Oakland.The neighborhood I grew up in is lit and noisy.I am a mean person if you piss me off but if you are my true friend I will be there for you through it allI don’t you have to ask someone about that but to be honest i think i am a good friend to other people.My aspects are that I am a tomboy and also that I am a really bad at focusing if I am around my friends


First, Dominant Narrative means people who has more advantage talking about you.I did not have a Dominant Narrative photo.I do not have any feeling towards it because I do not have a photo for it. Overall there is no photo about my Counter Narratives for mine.


Also Identity image is photo that describes you and who you are.I chose my family photo because I love them and they deserve to be in it. It made me feel happy that they got to be in  my class. Also I put my favorite artist in their and also they are so beautiful.


Overall If people knew me they know that I am very weird and also a little mean but I am worth being there.Telling the story of who I really am is important because you get to know my life and I am cool. What I learned in this unit is that all people are equal.

Edublog Assignments #2

In your own words describe what you are supposed to do to complete the 2016 Identity Project.  What will you do to make your shadowbox special?

I will make the  most amazing project that you will ever see SIKE but I will try my best to make it cool and some what neat and beautiful. I will try to make it special and better than other people.